
Ok, let me start by introducing myself.  My name is Jennifer, I'm a 33 year old wife and a stay at home mom to two beautiful girls, ages 10 and 8.  I am also a surrogate.  I've done two surrogacies and I love everything about being a surrogate but I am so sick and tired of being called obese by doctors and BMI charts.  I can't wait to do another surrogacy.  I miss being pregnant but according to the BMI charts and pretty much every agency's standards I am too fat to get pregnant.  I have never had any health issues, pregnant or not.

The first agency I tried to sign up with many years ago was Circle Surrogacy and they immediately turned me down because of my weight.  At first I was devastated, I cried and didn't think I would ever be able to be a surrogate.  But then I found Growing Generations.  They had a higher BMI allowance and I was able to do two wonderful surrogacies with them and got pregnant on the first try both times.

During my first surrogacy I had my first c-section but delivered a healthy 11 lb 4 oz baby boy.  I was definitely not happy about having to have a c-section but the OB said it was what was best.  I never tested positive for gestational diabetes even though I was tested for it multiple times.  Then with my second surrogacy I had an amazing doctor who specializes in multiples and vbacs (vaginal birth after c-section) and was able to have an incredible unmedicated vbac with twins, both over 6 lbs.

Now here I am, I've delivered FIVE kids and yes I know I'm overweight.  I don't eat as healthy as I should and my belly is stretched out and squishy from all the pregnancies but I don't think that I'm too far gone that I shouldn't be allowed to do another surrogacy.  BMI charts are a bunch of BS.  I can't stand them.  One time I went to the doctor and I'm sitting there on the table waiting on him.  He walks in the room after looking at my chart, takes one look at me and says, "Wow, I was expecting someone much bigger."  I'm not going to tell you my weight but lets just say it's a good bit over 200.

I tried signing up with Growing Generations the other day for my third surrogacy and was told that my BMI was too high and I can try to reapply again in 3 months.  I was very disappointed but I guess everything happens for a reason.  For now I'm going to try to focus on finding a job and hopefully in three months I will have lost enough weight to be a surrogate.  I've been a stay at home mom for 10+ years and getting back into the workforce is hard.  I've put in several applications and can't even seem to get an interview anywhere.

I've always had self-esteem issues because of my weight and I hate it.  I don't feel worthy of love or friendship because of my weight.  I have always felt very insecure and self conscious and hate meeting new people because I feel like they'll just be looking at how big I am and not really want to have anything to do with me.  This is especially difficult with IPs (intended parents).  I love all of my IPs to death but I feel like they're embarrassed to have had an obese woman as a surrogate.  I don't know, maybe I'm just overthinking everything and it's all in my head.  I love dancing shows and would love to learn how to dance but I just feel like it will look disgusting and people will be disgusted and think I shouldn't be doing that.  I wish I had more confidence but I don't feel like there's anything I can do about that.  I just always put on a brave face and act like everything's ok.

These are some pictures I took of myself in a bikini today.  I never wear anything but a one piece around anyone but my husband (and once my two best friends but it was night time and we'd had a few drinks) so this is a little terrifying.  You'll have to excuse my messy hair and messy bedroom and crappy cell phone pictures.
